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Fun Helicopter and Airplane Facts for St Joseph, MO

How to Select a Helicopter Instructor: Spend a half hour to an hour talking with the instructor. Make sure that the two of you can get along! See how knowledgable the instructor seems to be. If the instructor spends a lot of time trying to convince you to go fly rather than talk, you may have found a guy who isn't going to want to spend the time with you on the ground preparing for a lesson that he should.

Fun Helicopter and Airplane Facts for St Joseph, MO

Any landing you can walk away from is a good one. Gerald Massie (photographer and plane crash surviver).

With Helicopters in St Joseph, MO Safety is Everything: The good news about helicopter safety is that it is largely under your control as the pilot. If you want to cruise along for 25 miles skimming the ground 100' above obstacles and then land in your friend's backyard, which is surrounded by powerlines and trees, you are asking for trouble.

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