
Find Top-Paying Fixed Wing Pilot Jobs in Kansas City, KS


Helicopter Fun Facts for Kansas City, KS

In a hover, the stability provided by air flowing over the tail is gone and minor attitude variations lead to alarming translations over the ground. In a strong gusty wind, the helicopter moves in and out of Effective Translational Lift (ETL), becoming dramatically more or less efficient. This requires large collective adjustments to maintain hover height, since the amount of power required to hold a 5' hover without ETL will cause the helicopter to fly away if the wind or a pilot-induced drift causes the helicopter to get into ETL.

How to pick a helicopter flight school near Kansas City, KS

When it comes to making the final decision, first of all make sure you are comparing apples to apples. Don't price shop two schools and compare FAA minimum rates to \typical rates. Compare minimum to minimum or typical to typical. Generally an FAA Part 141 approved school will be better organized than a non-141 school but this is only a very general guideline. However a non-141 school should have a syllabus showing lesson plans number of hours etc.

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