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First Flights of Helicopters

In 1907, about four years after the Wright brothers' first successful powered flights in fixed-wing airplanes at Kitty Hawk in the United States, a French bicycle make named Paul Cornu constructed a vertical flight machine that was reported to have carried a human off the ground for the first time. The airframe was very simple, with a rotor at each end. Power was supplied to the rotors by a gasoline motor and belt transmission. Each rotor had two relatively large but low aspect ratio blades set at the periphery of a large spoked wheel. The rotors rotated in opposite directions to cancel torque reaction. The 24-hp engine used in the machine was hardly powerful enough to have sustained hovering flight out of ground effect.

Fun Helicopter and Airplane Facts for Woodbury, MN

Truly superior pilots are those who use their superior judgment to avoid those situations where they might have to use their superior skills. From: Slipping the Surly Bonds

The most important parts of a hover auto are stopping the yaw (pedal) and stopping the drift (cyclic). If a helicopter falls from 2' and the collective isn't touched, there shouldn't be any damage to the aircraft as long as the skids don't have to absorb a big yawing or drifting moment. Remember that the blades still have some pitch on them and are providing some lift.

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